As promised, Im gonna put my photoshoot result for my assignment.
So this is what I got from the first photoshoot.
Which has been rejected by my lect. = ="
Qhamel : My talent aslo get blurred.. = ="
Qhamel : And this isn't sharp enough.. = ="
Qhamel : Well this if fine.. but..
Qhamel : This is not blur enough!!!! See the grass?
So it got rejected T_T.. Those pictures look fine to me. But the effect, its sucks.
Know why is it happen?
As I mention, its 50mm lens. Its too close up. I have to put my tripod as highest as a can.
Then I have to view it from LCD (of course im using D5100). Its too hot outside. We cant see clearly through LCD when there's a strong lightning upon our head.
Qhamel : Okay.. So both of this picture was fine. My lecture thinks so.
He rejected this also.
Because he didn't like the place.
Im so fu**ed up!
And yes.. Re-shoot.
~This is crazy~ (But here's my number, so call me maybe~)
I cant find anything to shoot.
I'll talk about this later.
Then my talent was just walking around to help me find some idea.
He got tired a bit so he just sit beside water fountain.
And then I was like..
So this is the result..
And I didn't take any picture.
Ouh.. Actually Im just planning to keep this picture for my personal collection.
I didn't even think about submitting this.
So clearly, I dont have any picture.
On the next day, I have no other choice but printing this pictures. And the waterfall, also.
By the time Im facing my lecture, he looks like he want to tear my body apart.
Im so scared.
Then I show him this picture.
"He's gonna yell at me"
"He's gonna yell at me"
"He's gonna yell at me"
That's what running on my head.
He look at the picture and said..
"This is okay,"
I'm about to cry. I thanked him.. And leave..
Well, that's all my journey to complete my assignment.
Next week he gonna give us the next assignment.
Get prepare guys..
And farewell..
* Ouh! I almost forgot this. If not mistaken, this blurry effect was called 'Bokeh'.
Weird = ="
** And what was it about the 'talent' this, 'talent' that..
We didn't call what you call a model as 'model'.
Model was the one that walking on the runway.
But for photography, we call it 'Talent'
Lens on duty : Nikon D5100 (John)
Photographer : QhamelLee