Tuesday 7 August 2012

.DOF intro a bit.


Another assignment for us was called 'Depth of Field'.

Shallow DOF
Great DOF

Shallow DOF is the pictures that have a blurry effect on the background.
While Great DOF is the one that had 100% sharpness.

In this assignment, we are only allowed to use 50mm fokus lens.

Its a very short lens. I dont really like it.
Of course everyone love the long lens. Feels like pro and some how.

But after I learn how to use it, I seriously love it!
Also mention here that our kit lens which is 18-55mm also can do this effect.
But trust me..
It WONT be the same.

But the one I dont like about this lens is, it is 50mm.
Its too close-up. We cant zoom-out and even zoom-in using focus lens.

I have to set my tripod on the high position so that I can get zoomed-out manually.
If anyone got some more idea how to do it in the easier way, please share with me..
I'll make the whole-day photo shoot for u. By free. If it really work of course.

So this how how u'll get with this lens.

.Shallow DOF.

.Great DOF.

Well, the lens in this picture was actually my kit lens, 18-55mm.
Im shooting this using that 50mm focus lens.

So on the next entry I will show some of my Depth of Field output.

Farewell guys!

Lens on duty : Nikon 5100 (John)
Photographer : QhamelLee


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